Downloading JourneySat
Click here to download JourneySat. The latest version is 1.1.2.
The journeysat-1.1.2 file (either the zip or the tar.gz) contains all that's needed to build a site based on JourneySat. Go to the documentation to learn how to create your first site.
If you're a developer you probably also want the a copy of the documentation and the unit tests contained in journeysat-dev-1.1.2.
Upgrading from release 1.1.1 to 1.1.2
It only requires replacing the travel.js, xmlparser.js and resource_bundle.js files in your site with their new versions.
Upgrading from release 1.1.0 to 1.1.2
The main difference from release 1.1.0 is in the skin.html files of the skins. They've been changed by moving all the Javascript code to the beginning of the file. If you're using one of the two default skins use the new skin/Basic/skin.html or skin/Maya/skin.html files to create the home page of your travel. Refer to the documentation for details.
You also have to replace the travel.js, xmlparser.js, and resource_bundle.js files in your site with their new versions.
Upgrading from releases 1.0.0 and 1.0.1
There have been some important changes since the 1.0.1 release. The two paragraphs below describe things that you have to do to migrate your site to release 1.1.2.
Most of the Javascript code has changed so you need to replace the
scripts on your server.
Replace the travel.js and resource_bundle.js
files with the new ones.
Replace the skin.js and the language XML files
in the skin directory with thir new versions.
Include xmlparser.js in your HTML or just replace your
skin with the new version (there are a little changes in the HTML too)
JourneySat swapped the latitude and longitude when it read the XML file. That means that this coordinates definition
<coords long="-107.6904" lat="27.7576"/>
for a point in North America, looked like
<coords lat="-107.6904" long="27.7576"/>
which should be nowhere (latitude never gets out of the -90/+90 range). So a point appeared in the right place on the map only if the latitude and the longitude were swapped as in the example. Release 1.1.0 fixed that mistake but it requires that all existing XML files are fixed swapping lat with long. A few global search and replaces should make the job but accept my apologies for this inconvenience.
New features for the developers
Release 1.1.2
The API has been completed. Among the new methods there are insertPlace, deletePlace, moveUpPlace, moveDownPlace, insertContent, deleteContent, prevContent, nextContent, moveUpContent, moveDownContent, getCurrentContent and getCurrentContentIndex.
Release 1.1.1
New methods were added to JourneySat.Travel to enable an easy implementation of browsing throught days (the Basic and Maya skins provide only browsing throught places.) The methods are firstDay, nextDay, prevDay, lastDay, goToDay.
The methods changeDay and moveUpDay are fully implemented and tested. moveDownDay is implemented but not tested yet. Those methods are tought to be used by editors and their implementation is still in progress: release 1.1.1 aims only at bug fixing and the new methods are thrown in because they were already implemented.
Release 1.1.0
The internal implementation changed a lot. Places where organized in an array returned by the getPlaces method. The new implementation organizes them in a tree-like structure to make easier the creation of an editor (I'm working on it). Unfortunately that required a few changes to the API. This will bother you only if you have developed a skin. You can look at the code of the Basic and Maya skin to understand how to migrate it to the new API. To find out how they where adapted look for references to release 1.0.1 into the comments. The changes are few and concentrated inside the refreshMap method.
There are a few new tags
- <type> specifies the type of the content and it defaults to photo if not present.
- <cbody> replaces <description<. Combined with <type> it provides the skins a method to manage many different types of contents. <description< is deprecated and still supported so XML files don't have to be changed.
- <zoom> is meant to specify the level of zoom to use on the map when the content is accessed. It's optional and it defaults to the zoom level of the place.
;href> has been made optional because there might be some kind of contents that are completely described inside the XML file. Location markers are one example, even if no skin implements them yet.
Javadoc-style documentation is linked from the Documentation page of this site. It is generated with JSDoc and it documents the classes of the JourneySat core libraries.